30″ Firestone HD Class 6 JD 9RT 90% 509
$9,000.003688 Firestone class 6
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Trackfarmer.com works closely with Powerfarmer.com to provide the best and most current engine performance options. We offer DTE German made engine tuners that easily plug into the engine and safely add 10-25% more power which can be adjusted with an App on your phone. DTE tuners come with a 5 year warranty and add power the way that the OEM’s due, by safely mapping the injection cycle.
These tuners work on most engines, so you can buy one for a John Deere and later use it on a Case IH Quadtrac if you buy a new tractor.
Trackfarmer sells custom made laptops with high quality OEM interfaces for John Deere Parts Advisor and Service Advisor, CNH-EST, Cummins Insite, NexiQ, and Cat ET. These kits include everything you need to hook up to your tractor or truck and diagnose any problems, and CLEAR the codes yourself with legit OEM software and hardware(no cheap aftermarket substitutions).
This kit is a one-time cost with no subscriptions and will include all machinery made up through 2024. We can setup a Dell Rugged book laptop with one set of software like John Deere Service Advisor and Parts Advisor including all Agriculture, Forestry, and Construction, and an OEM interface to connect to your machinery. if you want more than one brand, then we can add CNH EST along with the DPA5 and the cost goes up to about $6,000.00. We can add any software in the future as long as the laptop storage is big enough to accept more data.
Please call, text, or email with any questions…[email protected]…269-325-3481
New Rubber Drive wheel halves, one left and one right half on each side of the tractor. $3500 for each NEW half drive wheel, so $14,000.00 for a complete set.
Retread…Or we can retread your drive wheel halves for $2000 per half wheel, or $8000 for a complete set. Please call, email, or text about retreading options.
Model: 9430T, 9530T, 9630T, 9460RT, 9470RT, 9510RT, 9520RT, 9560RT, 9570RT, 9RT490, 9RT542
Please contact us directly if you wish to trade in an old core. We will make arrangements for an exchange.
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